I’m about five weeks out from my vacation, and if you hear me whimpering when I say that word, don’t be surprised. I need it. I’m tired, kids. (Don’t worry: the blog isn’t taking a vacation. The posts are already written. Don’t hate me. I was a Girl Scout: “be prepared” and all that. Besides, I think you’ll enjoy them.)

And yes I’ve started packing. Lying right on top of the stack is my Kindle, and it’s jam-packed with stuff I’m anxious to read. Fiction and nonfiction both. On vacations past I have traveled with a stack of books, but since the Irishman gifted me with a Kindle a couple years ago, I have lots of extra space in my luggage. 🙂

That’s why when I read this article by my friend Judy Christie, I had to pause. Judy loves her e-reader too. But!

I’m annoyed that it doesn’t have the author’s name at the top of each page, so I can remember who wrote the book. I flinch at a corporate database tracking what I order, even though my reading is … well, an open book.

With e-books, I can’t hand a friend a copy and say, “I think you’ll enjoy this.” Or come home from the library with a stack of pleasure. As a writer, I like the idea of paper copies of my novels lasting after I’m gone or a descendant looking through my personal library. I can’t picture them fondly browsing through my Nook.

Judy asks, “Is it dinosaur-thinking to consider giving up my e-reader?” It’s a good question. I’ve written a little about this subject myself (here and here, just for starters). Read the rest of Judy’s piece and see what you think.

Me, I’ll always love my paper books. But when I get on that airplane in a few weeks, I won’t be standing on my fine principles. I’ll have my Kindle (and some seventy-seven books) in hand. Bon voyage!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”