The Book Bug

Humans are storytellers. Everything is a narrative with us: Wait’ll you hear what happened to me today at work! I get it. I do. I get that your air force pilot daddy was the best ever, that he was the embodiment of “top gun” before Tom Cruise was a gleam in his...

Short Saturday: Thought for Food

We’ve been talking a lot lately about thinking in pictures as opposed to thinking in words. I tend to do the latter, and as a result on these short Saturdays I often point you to a link with words. Today, though, some interesting pictures: In 2010, for an installation...

You Can’t Always Get What You Want …

I’ve been thinking a lot about my high school besties since I finished Meg Wolitzer’s big book The Interestings. You see, though it’s been many (and we’ll leave it at that, thankyouverymuch) years since we all lived in the same town and went to the same classes, I’m...

Short Saturday: Living the Writer’s Life

I’m not sure what I expected when I saw the title of this post over at Chip MacGregor’s blog a couple months ago … but it turned out to be a list, a personal, folksy, low-key list. Dr. Philip Patterson, a professor of mass communications at Okalahoma Christian...