A Temporary Change of Plans

Two days ago my computer died intestate. I did all the things the troubleshooting booklet said to do and still couldn’t raise the dead, so I texted I’M SCARED to the brilliant fixit consultant who has taken care of my computer issues for years. He called me...

What Shall We Talk About Next? 3D Printers?

The other day I got an email from someone I didn’t know. She’d followed me on Twitter, then asked for my email address. Hi Jamie: I wanted to know if you were open to any guest contributions to your site. I’d like to offer a well-written, well-researched guest post...

How I Spent My Summer Vacation

Many of us learned the basics of creative narrative writing composing grammar school essays like “How I Spent My Summer Vacation” for Miss Smith in second grade. I know I did. And I’m still talking about my summer (and spring and fall) vacations over on my other blog,...