Short Saturday: The Politics of Language

I use my Merriam-Webster online dictionary every day, and sometimes I find interesting articles or interesting people wiriting them. In this case, both. In an article called “An Oxford-Educated Southerner in Berlin,” I was delighted to read about a journalist who has...

#WordUse Series:
The Language Metamorphosis

We’ve talked a lot here about how the language we use—the words, the grammar—is a constantly evolving, living, almost breathing thing. (And still, still we want to stop that process! Human nature, I guess.) I’ve written about it in various ways, from...

Homage: It’s All in the Spelling

I love my subscription to Southern Living. It’s full of the things that interest me: good food, gardening, travel, history … and it’s just the right mix. But I was a little surprised the other morning when I got to Rick Bragg’s piece—always on the last page—about Pat...