The Sixty-Four Thousand Dollar Question

How does publishing independently affect an aspiring author’s chances with traditional publishing houses? This question came to me from a reader recently. I’ve heard it before. It is, my friends, the sixty-four thousand dollar question. It’s easy to point at examples...

Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave

It’s been quite a season for bookish brouhahas. First Lauren Conrad cut up some perfectly good kids’ books and hot-glued them to a box … for decoration. This got more than a few folks hot under the collar. Meanwhile, at the Harrogate Crime Writing...

Short Saturday: To E or Not to E

I’m about five weeks out from my vacation, and if you hear me whimpering when I say that word, don’t be surprised. I need it. I’m tired, kids. (Don’t worry: the blog isn’t taking a vacation. The posts are already written. Don’t hate me. I was a Girl Scout: “be...