A Greek Tragedy in Twenty Words

Have you ever remembered someone you once knew and wondered where that person was? You might have loved or hated this person, might just be a childhood friend … and you just wonder. The Internet exists, so you do a search, see what comes up. Modify the search, try...

Romance: A Sign of the Times

Why, yes—I am still “reading light.” Or lite. As you wish. This seems to include a lot of romance—though don’t make assumptions when you read that word. Romance is a wide, wide category. And a popular one. So popular, in fact, that the Washington Post devotes a...

It’s a Literary Device, Dear Reader

I love learning the names for editor-y things. Like parallel construction and hiatus break and inciting incident and rhetorical device. Sometimes I make up names for problems I encounter when I don’t know the Official Editor-y Terminology—like name-calling and...

#WhatImReadingNow: Plainsong

There was no school between Christmas and New Year’s. Victoria Roubideaux stayed out in the country in the old house back off the county road with the McPheron brothers, and the days seemed slow. The ground was covered in thin dirty patches of ice and the weather...