The Bonus Round (2014 Edition)

I’ve been publishing a recap, every January (or February!), of every book mentioned in posts during the past year. It’s just a list of of books I talked about last year, here on the blog, and I present them as a cross-reference … in case you were thinking of reading...

Recycling Is Nothing New (An Update*)

Mine has been an actively recycling household for at least twenty years, and I don’t just mean turning in soda bottles for cash. (I know that reference dates me; it can’t be helped.) I’ve understood the concept a lot longer than that, of course. I listened to stories...

Where Do You Get Your Story Ideas? (Part 6)

These days it seems like a lot of folks live in public—between Facebook and Twitter and Instagram (and there are many others), blogging and other personal websites, texting and emailing, there is a massive amount of information “out there.” But I’m not sure if our...