Good Things Take Time (Part 2)

Not long ago—in the summer months—I had to explain to a writer that even if the very first publisher to whom he showed his (beautifully edited, ahem) manuscript* loved it (and he had a very specific publisher in mind), there was no way the book would be in the stores...

The Right Tool for the Job

Not long ago I got a frantic email from a writer: I don’t see any corrections! I knew I’d made plenty of corrections. I sent the manuscript again. Have a look at this one, I said. Who knows what happens to the bits and bytes on their way from my computer to yours? I...

The Second. Or Even the Third.

To see what fiction-editing craft might be, start by looking at the faults it’s intended to detect. There are two kinds: surface faults and internal faults. A surface fault is local, as immediately evident to the naked eye as a skin blemish. You can point to specific...

The Style Guide Is Your Friend

I was reading my Entertainment Weekly at lunch the other day (“12 Things You Never Knew About Harry Potter”) and was positively gobsmacked by number nine: The Half-Blood Prince 9. To try to ensure consistency within the books, and keep track of characters, spells, and...