The Christmas Book

“I hope you don’t already have this one,” the Boy said, handing me a wrapped present that looked suspiciously like a book. (He knows how to make me happy, and often calls and asks me what titles I’d like.) When I unwrapped it, it was Kate Atkinson’s marvelous Life...

Literary Nonfiction and the Narrative List

Our lives are full of lists—from the grocery list to the Ten Commandments to that list of pros and cons you made back when you were twenty-three and trying to decide whether to break up with your boyfriend or marry him. Consider Rob Fleming’s Top-Five lists in Nick...

Fresh Mouth, Fresh Off the Boat

The beauty of being in a book group (and in my case, a book group focused on food books) is you are exposed to books you’d probably never have noticed. Such is the case with Eddie Huang’s memoir (memoir? he’s thirty-one years old!) as a first-generation American of...

A Memoir With a Mystery

A few weeks ago I bought and read a book all in less than a week. It doesn’t usually happen that fast with me (you should see my TBR pile*), but the reviews for Michael Hainey’s After Visiting Friends were that intriguing. I couldn’t wait. After visiting friends was...