Six Degrees of Separation

This post by my friend Billie Brownell* is running simultaneously on the Cool Springs Press website.  Six Degrees of Separation There is a wonderful play (and, later, a movie of the same title) written by John Guare called Six Degrees of Separation. It was deservedly...

Rolling in the Deep: A Novel Is Not a Movie

The recent passing of the esteemed Tennessean author William Gay has me thinking about good fiction. What I would call, probably, literary fiction but which moniker my friend April Line notes, has been “so rogered up by public perception” that we should probably...

Silence Is Golden

I had to laugh when the Irishman sent me this article the other day. It seems that moviegoers (in England, anyway) are going to see the French movie The Artist and are shocked to discover it’s an homage to 1920s Hollywood. Which is to say … it’s a silent movie....