Just Say Yes

Some years ago, I read a book called The Secrets of Six-Figure Women* by Barbara Stanny. (This is not a post about money; the book itself is about career building.) Stanny, a writer by trade, was struck by the strategies highly successful women commonly tended to...

#WriteTips #ForWriters (An Update*)

I keep running into interesting articles that would be good updates for posts I’ve already written. This happens a lot with material about the craft of writing—God knows I’m not the only blogger writing about writing—so this summer I’m using these updates as a way to...

Where Do You Get Your Story Ideas? (Part 6)

These days it seems like a lot of folks live in public—between Facebook and Twitter and Instagram (and there are many others), blogging and other personal websites, texting and emailing, there is a massive amount of information “out there.” But I’m not sure if our...