It’s Always Something*

I got an inquiry through my website a while back from a writer who said he’d self-published but it had “become apparent” he needed an editor. (The e-book had been available on Amazon for about two years.) The absolute first question that crossed my mind was, Why are...

Self-Publishing (Same Old Same Old)

A couple years ago I had a reader accuse me of being “against” self-publishing. But I’m not against self-publishing in general; I’m against bad self-publishing. There’s a big difference. Lots of folks are doing great stuff with self-pub. Check out my friends over at...

Short Saturday: Yes, You Do Need an Editor

We’ve been talking about the importance of editing these last couple weeks, particularly, in this case, substantive editing and copyediting. (Need to know the difference?) So this would be a great place to feature the four-part series my friend, Irish editor Robert...

The Book Bug

Humans are storytellers. Everything is a narrative with us: Wait’ll you hear what happened to me today at work! I get it. I do. I get that your air force pilot daddy was the best ever, that he was the embodiment of “top gun” before Tom Cruise was a gleam in his...