Not All Dictionaries Are Created Equal

If you’ve been coming ’round here for awhile, you know I have a thing for the dictionary. There’s, like, so much information in such a small space! It’s so efficient! And it contains all the building blocks for my work in one place! Aaaah. But the dictionary’s a...

How’s the Craic?

For the uninitiated, that word’s pronounced “crack.” In fact, that word is crack. Meaning it’s an English word (crack) borrowed into Irish (Gaelic) as craic; then that Irish spelling was reborrowed into English (starting with Hiberno-English, which is, simply, the...

Anticipation, Antici-PAY-yay-shun …

In the art world they say a work is open for interpretation by each person who views it. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that. And so it is in the editorial world. If you give a manuscript to five different editors, you’ll get five different sets of...

The World Should Be Your Oyster*

As I was writing my recent post on the words and phrases and concepts William Shakespeare contributed to Western culture, I started considering how interesting life is when one knows such things. I mean, do you smile when I write “I’d rather be right than be...