Where Do You Get Your Story Ideas? (Part 6)

These days it seems like a lot of folks live in public—between Facebook and Twitter and Instagram (and there are many others), blogging and other personal websites, texting and emailing, there is a massive amount of information “out there.” But I’m not sure if our...

It Ain’t Easy Bein’ Green

It’s hard to be a beginner. Kids, they’ve got that whole teacher / student dichotomy down, but when you’re a grownup with a novel burning a hole in your pocket (not to mix my metaphors or anything), it’s not always easy to resume the role of student. But, my friends,...

Big Fish, Big Cheese

My involvement with the foodie book group means I’ve always had an eye cocked for, well, food books. So how could I ignore this title—The Telling Room: A Tale of Love, Betrayal, Revenge, and the World’s Greatest Piece of Cheese? Between the fabulous cover design,...

Where Do You Get Your Story Ideas? (Part 5)

We’ve talked about those ripped-from-today’s-headlines stories as a source of ideas for fiction: teen bullying and suicide, drug addiction, drug legalization … These are all topics in the news right now, and might well provide a theme upon which to build a compelling...

My Favorite Book v. 2013

I read thirty-three* books for pleasure in 2012—and at the end of the year I boiled it all down to One Favorite Book, difficult though that was. I read fifty-four in 2013, and most of them were titles I’d happily recommend, for one reason or another. I blogged about...