Lexicon Love

It’s not very often I’m stumped by which word to use—and frankly I love it when I am—but I came across a sentence in a manuscript the other day and had a little lexicological tizzy. Here’s what I read. It was a story about an old man telling the events of his life. He...

These Are a Few of My Favorite Words

There are words and then there are … favorite words. Like, you know, cream-colored ponies and crisp apple strudels, these are a few of my favorite— You have favorite words, don’t you? I do. Again, I don’t mean favorite phrases, like Awesome, dude. (Although I do love...

This Is Your Brain, Aging

Newsweek recently had an article about the aging brain. Some of the news is as bad as you might imagine: reasoning ability peaks at about age twenty-eight (only 6 percent of top scorers are in their fifties, and only 4 percent are in their sixties). Now, I tell people...