And Don’t Criticize What You Can’t Understand*

I’ve always prided myself on being reasonably up to date (though not, perhaps, on the cutting edge), particularly for a gal who didn’t grow up with technology. I got a computer pretty early on for a nongeek (back in the days when an app was called software, y’all),...

Don’t Celebrate Too Soon!

After you and I spend a couple months working on the content of your manuscript—catching some continuity issues or working on characterization, say, in fiction, or beefing up clarity or connecting a few dots in nonfiction—you might well heave a big sigh of relief. You...

And You Think You’ve Had a Bad Year …

In the summer of 1994, I lost my publisher, Pocket Books, a division of Simon & Schuster, as the sales figures for Reed’s Beach, my latest novel, sucked. … My editor had already bought the next two books after Reed’s Beach, a story collection and a memoir, but...

Good Things Take Time (Part 2)

Not long ago—in the summer months—I had to explain to a writer that even if the very first publisher to whom he showed his (beautifully edited, ahem) manuscript* loved it (and he had a very specific publisher in mind), there was no way the book would be in the stores...

Short Saturday: The Art of Key Words

If you’re an author, you’ve probably been asked to provide your publisher’s marketing folks with a list of keywords for your latest novel. If you’re me, you’ve been given that “product packet” and asked to provide yet more keywords, preferably better ones, when you’re...