A Happy Accident with Auntie Poldi

Yes, I’m still reading light, just as feather-light as I can get. Back in 2014 I pursued a year of reading nonfiction, and it’s looking like 2018 may well be my year of reading light. (Reading lightly? My Year of Indulging in Guilty Pleasures? But that implies … nah....

Romance: A Sign of the Times

Why, yes—I am still “reading light.” Or lite. As you wish. This seems to include a lot of romance—though don’t make assumptions when you read that word. Romance is a wide, wide category. And a popular one. So popular, in fact, that the Washington Post devotes a...

Guilty Pleasures and Smart Remarks

As you’ve read, I got a lot of great recommendations for light reading—which I am still pursuing as if my life depended upon it, because I’m pretty sure it does—and I truly enjoyed the first Jenny Colgan title I read, The Bookshop on the Corner. (Even though it was a...

#WhatImReadingNow: Good As Gone

Jane woke up and whispered, “Julie?” The room yawned around her. After two years of sleeping alone in her own bedroom in the new house, Jane no longer dreamed of the ceiling fan dropping onto the bed and chopping her up. The spiders, too, had vanished from the...