Go On, I Dare You! (Sound Familiar?)

Somewhere around the early seventies, I was regaling a hugely motivated friend with some wild story pertaining to my recent life experience. She said, “You know what drives me crazy about you? You dissipate all this talent talking out stories over the kitchen table. I...

Where Do You Get Your Story Ideas?
(Part 9)

The photo you see below stopped me in my tracks when I saw it on Facebook about a year ago. It spoke to me.   Some of you may know these friends of mine—twins, their mother, and their aunt—but if you don’t, and if you’re willing to let your imagination roam, you...

Where Do You Get Your Story Ideas? (Part 8)

I wrote some fan fiction once. When I was twelve. It was a story about a young girl—she was pretty and smart and clever—who meets the Beatles. (Don’t laugh, now. They were hot—actually, cool—back in the day.) You can imagine who my protagonist was modeled after. 🙂 Of...

Short Saturday: Compare and Contrast

Three years ago I did a contrast-and-compare with middle grade fiction and young adult fiction. It was a really useful exercise for me. Since that time, there’s a New Kid in Town. Actually—a New Adult. You’ve probably already heard about it, but wondered how to...