Short Saturday: Why I Stopped Reading Your Book

Like author Chuck Wendig, I’ve gotten a whole lot pickier about what I read and how much time I give it before I stop. “For one,” he says, “it’s time.” Work and time and personal responsibilities all intrude. But also, he says, “I’m like a stage magician where it’s...

Short Saturday: Sharpening Your Manuscript

There is so much good information in this article, I don’t know where to start. But how about here: just because you’ve got the novel down—and have polished the plot until it shines—doesn’t mean you’re done. “All of these things might have escaped your notice while...

Learning How Fiction Works

I learned to read—I mean learned to read carefully—in 1969. I was in graduate school then and trying to figure out if I should begin to write short stories. … I did not know very much. … Part of my school training as a writer, however, provided that I could learn how...