Giving Up Your Language

Consider for a moment the effects of being asked to change the language you use. … Brian Friel’s play Translations, written in 1980, depicts this in an Irish setting. The action takes place in County Donegal in 1833: we follow a detachment of English soldiers who are...

The Writer’s Defining Twitch

I have just started Joseph Brodsky’s book On Grief and Reason. Let me say I have only read one essay in a collection of thirty, and I flipped through the book, sizing up the chapters, actually counting the pages, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7—yes, this one’s good, it only has...

Short Saturday: Every Dialect Has a Grammar

You know I’m endlessly fascinated by accents, regionalisms, and linguistic diversity in general. And every once in a while I find something that tickles my dialect interest. In “The Grammar Rules Behind 3 Commonly Disparaged Dialects,” linguist Arika Okrent (isn’t...

Short Saturday: The Way We Speak

By now you surely know I’m fascinated by the way people speak, how they use syntax and language. It’s almost inevitably a result of the location of our upbringing. And I was delighted when a friend pointed me to this article about code switching, which is the tendency...