Building a Relationship (Platform)

Throughout my career, the fanbase has been like one big significant other to me, a thousand-headed friend with whom I have a real, committed partnership. I don’t take vacations from communicating without warning. We share our art with one another. They help me run the...

Short Saturday: Keep an Eye on Mike

There’s so much in this article I almost don’t know where to start. Mike Shatzkin, according to his bio, is a widely-acknowledged thought leader about digital change in the book publishing industry. In his nearly 50 years in publishing, he has played almost all the...

Short Saturday: Creating a Best Seller

Folks who are just writing their first novel no doubt have visions of best seller-dom dancing in their heads, either the breakout kind—in which the book arrives in the marketplace and word of mouth and a few good reviews build until it reaches critical mass—or the...

Product Planting for Writers

I am learning so much from my friends! This week author Michelle Weidenbenner helps keep Read Play Edit ticking over while I recover from that nasty hard drive failure—and brings a new way to think about book marketing. Read on! Product Planting for Writers Who...