Word Count Matters

One of the first manuscripts I turned in as a freelance editor caused a minor panic at the publishing house. “This novel is too long,” the managing editor said in an email. “It’s 90K words. We contracted 75K.” (Let me tell you just how many fifteen thousand words are,...

Resources for Mystery/Suspense Writers

We’ve been talking about the mystery/suspense genre lately, and I wanted to bring you a quick little list of blogs* that will be of interest to those of you who write them, or think you might like to write them. These sites provide procedural tips—and also good ideas,...

It’s a Mystery to Me!

I grew up in a house that very often had a card table set up with an ongoing jigsaw puzzle on it. Today you’ll find that jigsaw puzzle on my dining room table. I find them mentally stimulating—but also very relaxing. It’s a paradox! So … I love a puzzle. Which is why...