A Plague on the House of Apple Pages

You’ve been waiting for me to bust a rant, haven’t you? Good! Because I’ve had it with Pages. I learned to use word-processing software in 1990 at the company I then worked for. It was WordStar, and I was working on a PC, back in the days before Windows when you had...

We Now Resume Your Regularly Scheduled Programming

If you were here last week, you know I’ve changed my subscriber distribution system from the on-its-last-legs Feedburner to MailChimp. If you’re a subscriber, I believe you got that post a week ago Monday. However, it’s come to my attention that you did not get the...

Just Open a Vein*

There are days when I write these posts and the words just come. (Possibly because I’m all worked up about something. Possibly because I’m not worried about meeting a deadline. Possibly because I’m feeling writerly.) There are other days when I scroll through my list...