I had a flat tire the other day while I was out running errands. I put air in it and made my way to my preferred tire vendor, where I had to sit in the waiting room for about an hour before I was on my way again. Fortunately I had my Newsweek with me (don’t leave home without it!) and was able to spend a perfectly delightful hour reading and thinking.

It was wonderful.

I wished, briefly, that I had my laptop with me so I could work. But … no. Wallowing in those pages, really reading them, was heaven.

William Powers, author of Hamlet’s BlackBerry: Building a Good Life in the Digital Age, says,

In a multitasking world where pure focus is harder and harder to come by, paper’s seclusion from the Web is an emerging strength. There’s nothing like holding a sheaf of beautifully designed pages in your hands. The whole world slows down, and your mind with it.

I read a review of the book in my Newsweek that day, friends. 🙂

In another interesting article, Dr. Andrew Weil takes up Powers’s theme. Weill says our bodies and brains aren’t really equipped for twenty-first-century life, and goes on, “Not only do we suffer from nature deficit, we are experiencing information surfeit.”

Let’s face it, we’re all moving just a bit too fast. When I’m editing I often break away to research a point for the piece I’m working on. I do it quickly; I’ve got to get back to work. When I’m not editing I’m reading and responding to e-mail, or checking in with publishing blogs (and, God help me, Twitter) so that I can keep current with what’s going on in the industry in which I work. After all, I’m not in an office somewhere hearing the talk around the water cooler. So I skim: Anything here I need to know? Anything I can blog about? Anything I can pass on to my Twitter network?

I’m a reading shark.

But some experts think all this endlessly skimming short texts on the Internet is making us stupid. This article in the Guardian says,

According to The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains, a new book by technology sage Nicholas Carr, our hyperactive online habits are damaging the mental faculties we need to process and understand lengthy textual information. Round-the-clock news feeds leave us hyperlinking from one article to the next—without necessarily engaging fully with any of the content.

Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Carr says we are “losing our ability to strike a balance between those two very different states of mind. Mentally, we’re in perpetual locomotion.”

While I was waiting at the tire store, a young woman came into the waiting room and sat down. Then she pulled out an iPhone and began … who knows? Checking her e-mail, Facebook, texting a friend. We’ve all seen a version of that repeated every day. I have an iPhone myself, but I still prefer to carry a book or a magazine around in the car.

Technology isn’t bad. In fact, quite the opposite: it’s improved our lives immeasurably. (I can’t imagine what it was like to edit books before the Internet age, frankly. I assume editors spent half their time in the library; it had to have been a much slower process.)

But we also have to step away from technology on occasion. Sit back. Contemplate.

It’s the only way I know to push back against the breakneck pace at which I live my working life.

That hour and a half at the tire store—it was heaven. Afterward I went to the bookstore to pick up Hamlet’s BlackBerry. I’m reading it slowly.

We need to slow down, all of us.

I will if you will.

Tweet: Feelin’ groovy: I’m a fan of slow reading.

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