You know about eating right, getting plenty of sleep, getting up from the desk every once in a while (better yet, get one of those cool standing desks) … but because you are writers, there are other hazards you need to keep your eye on.

Author Chuck Wendig should know. He puts himself out there, and reaps the benefits and the criticism that comes from that. He gets it. He gets us.

So when he writes a post called “Self-Care for Writers,” you should pay attention. Here are ten tips in straight talk (language warning). I like number eight—


Doodling. Quilting. Theater. Political assassinations. Have something that is not writing. For me, it’s photography. It breaks my brain away from the wordsmithy. It gives me an opportunity to stretch my legs in a different direction and it’s a healthy distraction, not a toxic one.

—but they’re all good. So read up. And be careful out there. 🙂

Tweet: You know about eating right, getting plenty of sleep, and so on, but—
Tweet: Take care of yourself, writers!

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