Haters … Gotta Love ’Em

One of the first things I did when I started learning how to be an editor was proofreading. This is the last step in the editorial process before a manuscript goes to the printing press. It’s been through developmental editing and rewrite; it’s been through copyedit...

Reading Around the World

Back in September I was absolutely intrigued by this article about a gal who spent a year reading one book—not travel writing; literature—from each of the world’s 196 independent countries. At the beginning of the year, I’d thought I myself might have a Year of...

Resources for Mystery/Suspense Writers

We’ve been talking about the mystery/suspense genre lately, and I wanted to bring you a quick little list of blogs* that will be of interest to those of you who write them, or think you might like to write them. These sites provide procedural tips—and also good ideas,...